Key Insights From AXA’s 2022 Mind Health and Wellbeing Study

Group of happy colleagues discussing ideas at meeting

AXA has launched the 2022 edition of its Mind Health and Wellbeing study. This looks at the current state of mind health, examining how we react to stress, how we choose to diagnose mental illness, how mind health differs by age and gender and what individuals can do to improve their wellbeing. More than 11,000 participants were surveyed by IPSOS research institute, in eleven markets across Europe and Asia.

Key UK insights from the report

  • Empathy and compassion are growing, and the UK leads the way in destigmatising mental health. Empathy and compassion have increased for more than a third (35%) Brits over the past 12 months and 50% say the stigma associated with mental health conditions is declining.
  • Compared to countries across Europe, we’re (UK) flourishing less and struggling with mental health conditions more.
  • The UK has the highest prevalence of mental health conditions in Europe – almost two in five people (37%) say they suffer from a mental health condition and almost a quarter (24%) are struggling.
  • The public sector is experiencing unprecedented demand exacerbated by a focus on COVID-19 – less than a quarter (23%) agree that the UK’s public healthcare system provides support for people with mental health conditions, compared to 46% who disagree.
  • A major positive was there is huge business benefit to getting support right – those who are supported at work are 1.6 times more likely to be happy and almost 2 (1.9) times more likely to be flourishing. However:
    • Managers are at highest risk of poor mental health compared to non-managers.
    • There is a perceived lack of mental health support.
    • Additionally, many employers are still not supporting their people, or their people are not aware of the support available to them – only 4 in 10 agree their employer provides good support regarding their mental health and only 10% “strongly agree”.
  • Empathy in the workplace is improving – over half of people in UK reported a more empathetic work culture as a result of the pandemic. In the UK data, empathetic work culture has shown a positive impact on motivation to do more / better work, be more productive and perform better.
  • Mental health in the UK is seen as the second largest lasting impact of the pandemic – with women and young people disproportionally effected. It spans sector, and company size, and is a consideration for all business leaders. People risk is business risk, and we’ve a great opportunity to better support and develop mental wellbeing in a period when we’re more empathetic and compassionate towards our colleagues.

Responding to the findings of the report, AXA Group has launched the AXA Mind Health Index.

The Index has been developed to help assess mental wellbeing, identifying potential problems before they become serious and showing people how to lead more fulfilling lives.

You can find out more about the Index and download the full AXA Mind Health and Wellbeing Study here.

Live Roundtable Webinar

We also discussed insights from the report during the Make A Difference Live Roundtable Webinar, together with AXA Health: “The Recipe For Employee Mental Resilience – Is Your Workforce Fit To Thrive In 2022 And Beyond?”

The stellar roundtable panel included input from:

• Tracy Garrad, CEO, AXA Health, Exec Sponsor for D&I, AXA UK
• Dame Carol Black, DBE, FRCP, FMedSci Expert Adviser on Health and Work to NHS Improvement and Chair Ageing Better
• Dr Shaun Davis, Global Director, Compliance & Sustainability, Royal Mail Group
• Chloe Davies, Head of Social Impact, Lucky Generals
• Simon Blake OBE, Chief Executive, Mental Health First Aid England
• Stephen Bevan, Head HR Research Development, Institute for Employment Studies

You can access a recording of the webinar here by entering your details when prompted.



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5 December 2024

2 mins read


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