Men Sign Up For Menopause Training At Twice The Rate Of Women

Even though it doesn’t directly affect them, men who are offered free menopause training sign up at twice the rate of women, according to the Menopause Experts Group. Not only that, but they finish the training faster.

The Menopause Experts Group started offering the training in June 2021 and has found that husbands, partners, sons and co-workers have been registering in record numbers. According to the company, it takes men three weeks on average to complete the training, while women take three months.

Acting as an information hub, the group offers comprehensive, trustworthy and up-to-date information to help women understand and manage the debilitating symptoms of menopause. These symptoms include forgetfulness, hot flushes, headaches, itchy skin, night sweats, brain fog and low or non-existent sex drive.

Now including men in the conversation, the training on offer is completely free. In comparison to private consultations with some menopause doctors, which charge £275 for an initial consultation, the Menopause Experts Group believes this service helps anyone no matter their budget.

What Is Included In Training On Menopause?

The free training includes information on the biology of the female body and the effects that declining hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone have on women’s health, says the company. It examines the pros and cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and looks at alternative ways to manage symptoms through diet and lifestyle.

Menopause Experts Group offers free podcasts, with recent subjects including sex and the menopause. It also has free blogs discussing subjects like hair loss and psychological issues relating to menopause.

The digital magazine Menopause Life is free and includes recipes, articles on exercise and foods that can alleviate unwanted symptoms. There is even a light-hearted look at menopause, a regular column written by comedian Mel Byron.

Who Are The Menopause Experts Group?

Menopause Experts Group was founded by Dee Murray, a retired Advanced Psychotherapist and Human Behaviourist, who recognised that menopause is not talked about enough and is not taught as a compulsory subject in schools. In response to the findings, she says: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to our free menopause training, and it is amazing to see how many men want to learn more.

“It’s incredible to think that men are signing up at twice the rate of women, and it shows how great the need for this information is,” she continues. “I’m not going to make a childish joke about men finishing first—it’s just fabulous to see how enthusiastic they are to learn.

“Menopause is one of the last taboos in women’s health, and it’s about time we were all talking about it—women and men. Though half of the population will never have to deal with menopause themselves, nearly every man will know someone who is going through it or has gone through it, though they may not yet recognise it as menopause symptoms.

“Teaching husbands, partners and co-workers about menopause is vital if we are going to remove the stigma surrounding what is a big part of a woman’s life.



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