ASICS EMEA In My Shoes Campaign Makes the Link Between Sport, Movement and Mental Wellbeing

ASICS In My Shoes campaign

In the midst of the pandemic it was great to see employers encouraging engagement with World Mental Health Day this year, both through internal initiatives and outward facing campaigns. ASICS EMEA’s ‘In My Shoes’ campaign is one that particularly caught my eye.

Ostensibly it’s about making the link between sport, movement and mental wellbeing. But it’s also about empathy; a critical skill for effective leadership and a key component of employee mental health support.

Launched to coincide with World Mental Health Day 2020, the campaign shares inspiring stories from people who have discovered the positive impact of sport and movement on their mental wellbeing.

The ‘In My Shoes’ audio stories are designed to be listened to on the move, so people can literally experience what it’s like to put themselves in the shoes of the storyteller.

In this story paediatrician Dr Hadeel Hassam talks about how running helped her to escape her past, taught her to love herself and helped her to find confidence.

You can tune-in to the other stories here.

The sporting goods giant also organised a virtual run across Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and India to mark World Mental Health Day. Participants were invited “to run in solidarity” and raise awareness of mental health issues, as well as how to take care of ourselves and each other.

I’d love to hear more about what you did to mark World Mental Health Day this year – internally, with an outward facing campaign or both. You can contact me at [email protected].

About the author

Claire Farrow is the Global Director of Content and Programming for the Mad World and Make a Difference Summits. She also drives the content for Make A Difference News. Claire is on a mission to help every employer – large, medium and small – get the insight, inspiration and contacts they need to make real impact on workplace culture, mental health and wellbeing in their organisation. She has been freelance for more than 15 years. During that time, she has had the honour of working with many leading publishers, including the New York Times



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