Clifford Chance first magic circle law firm to offer full men’s and women’s health support to employees via Peppy

frankfurt, hesse/germany - 11 10 18: clifford chance sign on an building in frankfurt germany

International law firm, Clifford Chance, is the first magic circle law firm to offer both Peppy’s Men’s Health and Women’s Health support to all its employees via their digital health app. The service will be offered to all UK-based employees and partners.

Leading the pack

Clifford Chance was the first magic circle law firm to offer support via Peppy for menopause, parenthood and fertility in 2021, and has now extended support, to include more comprehensive areas of women’s health, as well as men’s health. Comprehensive support of women’s health is the newest of Peppy’s human-led health support services.

Peppy recognised that there were gaps in other areas of traditional healthcare that could be plugged, and Clifford Chance have been at the forefront of this by offering it to all their staff. The service includes support for all stages of life, including reproductive health, nutrition, cancer, fitness and mental health.

With men accounting for 75%1 of all suicides and an inherent reluctance to go to the doctors they can often present later to the doctors with symptoms being more advanced.

Making it personal

Women’s health issues are far from plain sailing either with 1 in 102 suffering from PCOS and the same percentage of the population suffering with endometriosis. With 85%3 of women having experienced at least four women’s health conditions, there is a need for fully personalised, holistic support for men’s and women’s health that is currently underserved elsewhere

Support on offer includes one-to-one consultations with specialist clinical practitioners, access to group chat, live events and tailored resources for individual employees.

Offering such support plays a crucial role in the recruitment and retention of top talent, helps the company compete in the marketplace and is aligned with their diversity and inclusion values.

Anna Cotgreave, Reward and Benefits Manager at Clifford Chance said:

‘Since joining Peppy and increasing our support of specific health and wellbeing needs for our workforce at different life stages – the engagement and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We know it makes a tangible difference to our people. Peppy has continued to identify areas of health and wellbeing where more targeted and additional support can make a real impact, so we look forward to rolling out a more comprehensive offering at our firm.’

Mridula Pore, Founder and CEO of Peppy said:

‘Clifford Chance was one of the first companies to sign up to Peppy, and it’s been wonderful to see the difference our support has made in practice. Our service is absolutely designed to help companies provide access to support for what are traditionally under-served areas of men’s and women’s health: it allows employees to get support that they struggle to get elsewhere, and that’s a real differentiator for companies.’

  3. Peppy’s research

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