Did you know that just 15 minutes and 9 seconds of physical exercise can make a meaningful uplift to your mental state?
The acclaimed academic and researcher (and self-proclaimed data geek) Professor Brendon Stubbs, is on a mission to improve people’s mental health, specifically through the benefits of movement. He believes passionately that employee wellbeing deserves the most robust research design out there before being implemented into practice. And it’s this which is driving the second phase of ASICS’ Movement for Mind project.
In this 10 minute Zoom-in interview, Brendon reminds us about the really positive outcomes of the first (trial) phase of the project, and explains why he’s encouraging employers to get involved – for free – in this second phase of ASICS Movement for Mind. Ultimately the study will measure the impact of the proven programme when it’s rolled out into the real world, helping to strengthen understanding of the links between movement and mental wellbeing.
He wraps up with three calls to action.
You can find out more about the project and sign yourself up to be part of it HERE, and encourage colleagues to do the same.
Zoom-in with Prof. Brendon Stubbs from Mark Pigou on Vimeo.
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