ADHD stigma means women and non-binary people feel they must hide diagnosis at work

Neurodiversity and Neurodivergent as Autism spectrum disorder or Dyslexia ADHD Tourette Syndrome ASC,Dyspraxia Dyscalculia as a mental health brain diversity and psychology with 3D illustration elements.

Stigma surrounding neurodevelopmental condition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is leading to many women and non-binary people living with the condition feeling they must hide their diagnosis in the workplace. This is according to a new survey initiated and funded by pharmaceutical company Takeda for the Staring Back at Me campaign.

The Staring Back at Me campaign is a disease awareness campaign initiated and funded by Takeda in the UK together with four UK ADHD organisations: ADHD Foundation, Centre for ADHD and Autism Support, ADHD Solutions, and ADDISS.

96% of people surveyed living with ADHD in the UK said they are reluctant to bring up their diagnosis in the workplace. 73% said this was due to fear of judgement and 49% thought it could be used
against them, potentially as a barrier to promotion.

Even though ADHD affects an estimated 2.6 million people in the UK, over two thirds of those surveyed
think people with ADHD are at a disadvantage in the workplace. This figure is even higher for non-
binary people, at 93%.

83% of women and 79% of non-binary people surveyed believed there’s a stigma associated with ADHD. Women tend to be diagnosed later in life, which adds to the stigma. It can therefore lead women to mask
their symptoms and hide how they are truly feeling from those around them.

Professor Amanda Kirby, Chair of the ADHD Foundation said: “When a workplace is supportive and aware of women with ADHD traits, it allows those with the condition to unmask and be their true selves. This opens the door to employers gaining the benefits from new ways of thinking and new ideas. We hope this latest research by Takeda can support employers to take action to create a more inclusive workplace for all.”

To bring the issue to life, Takeda teamed up with Savile Row tailor, Gormley and Gamble, and Illustrator
Ana Jaks to create unique suit jackets that represent the invisible nature of ADHD in the workplace. On
the outside, the suit looks like any other, but the illustrations in the silk lining tell the story of the two
ambassadors wearing them, Kim To and Jenny Mclaughlin.

Specifically, the illustrations focus on their experience of living with ADHD at work. From time-blindness to hyperfocus; masking and daydreaming; the symbolism throughout each illustration shows the complexity of living with the condition at work.

Jenny Mclaughlin, Staring Back at Me campaign ambassador said: “I hope other women with ADHD do not fear being seen. I hope this campaign and my story shows the strengths someone with ADHD can bring to the workplace. All we need is the right environment and support to thrive.”

Suggested solutions

Several solutions were also suggested within the new survey. Three quarters (75%) of women surveyed
and 79% of non-binary people surveyed think increased awareness of ADHD and symptoms is needed in
the workplace to improve inclusivity for those with ADHD. They also said staff culture is key (53%) for
women and 48% believe personalised career paths should be created to match the person and their
specific needs.

By following these insights and using available resources to improve workplace practices for neurodivergent employees, or prospective employees, it is possible for employers to help combat the
stigma people with the condition feel and create a working environment where women and non-binary
people feel included and supported.

Dr. Simon Meadowcroft – Medical Director, Takeda UK & Ireland explained: “Employers in the UK have increased their efforts to provide a supportive environment for neurodivergent women and non-binary people, but more still needs to be done. People with ADHD bring huge strengths to the workplace such as new ways of thinking and creativity, to name just two. The Staring Back at Me campaign continues to raise awareness of the symptoms of ADHD in women and non-binary people and provides employers with the resources and tools they need.”

You can visit the Staring Back at Me website to read more about the
creation of the suits, watch the documentary film and seek workplace resources.

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  • The Staring Back at Me ADHD survey on the experiences of women and non-binary individuals. 2024. Data on file.
  • ADHD UK. What is ADHD? Available at: What is ADHD – About ADHD ( [last accessed October 2024]
  • Young, S., Adamo, N., Ásgeirsdóttir, B.B. et al. Females with ADHD: An expert consensus statement taking a lifespan approach providing guidance for the identification and treatment of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in girls and women. BMC Psychiatry 20, 404 (2020) [last accessed October 2024].​
  • Walters, A. (2018), Girls with ADHD: Underdiagnosed and untreated. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter. 34(11):8-8. [last accessed October 2024]. ​
  • NHS. (2021) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Available at: (Accessed October 2024)

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