Interactive webinar: The state of the Nation’s finances, how employees are coping and what employers can do to help them build financial resilience

20 Mar 2024 - 10:00 AM

This webinar has now taken place and can be viewed above.

Download pdf of slides shown during the webinar.

In 2023 employee finances have been battered by escalating prices, soaring interest rates and rising taxes. Unfortunately, the impact of the cost-of-living crisis looks set to extend into 2024, continuing the pain for households striving to make ends meet or battling to uphold their standard of living. One implication has been a troubling rise in problem debt, particularly among low-income and non-working households but nobody is escaping unscathed. Many are also being impacted by rising mortgage costs. The human toll is increased anxiety and stress, with implications for long-term financial resilience too.

If you’re struggling to understand how you can help employees to navigate these turbulent times, join us to benefit from:

• An overview of the Nation’s finances and how employees are faring.

• Insight into the building blocks for helping employees to become more financially resilient.

• Lessons from leading employers; what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to engaging employees in conversations around balancing long-term and short-term financial security.

Including expert insights from:

  • Clare Stinton, Head of Workplace Saving Analysis, Hargreaves Lansdown
  • Paul Barrett, Head of Wellbeing, Bank Workers Charity
  • Kelly Abel, HR Director, Iris Software

You’ll get lots of information about your employees’ financial resilience and planning to help them make their own informed decisions. But remember, it’s not personal advice.

If you can’t make the date/time, go ahead and register anyway and we’ll send you the recording a few days after the session.

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